Thinking About Starting a League with NAPA
1/2/2011 6:30:56 PM
Thinking About Starting a League with NAPA
A friend suggested I look at the North American Poolshooters Association website and think about starting a league here.
Does anyone happen to know what rules they play by?
I have looked all over the site and I don't see any mention of the rules.
I run a very small league here on Manitoulin Island in Northern Ontario and am contemplating the switch but I would like some more information first.
Thinking About Starting a League with NAPA
Replies & Comments
Jay Janzen on 4/25/2011 3:30:24 PM
It is indeed an effort to start-up a pool league, and congrats if you get it off the ground. But you may want to consider The Canadian Cue Sports Association. With your membership being Canadian, they may want to be a part of the Canadian Championships that are being run by CCSA.
You can Contact them via their website at:
I am sure Ted Harms can provide you with all the information you will need to get up and running.
Cheers, Jay
Thinking About Starting a League with NAPA
- Title: Thinking About Starting a League with NAPA
- Author: rustyauxier (Rusty Auxier)
- Published: 1/2/2011 6:30:56 PM
- Last Updated: 4/25/2011 3:31:49 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)