When was Pool Table Maker O. L. Briggs & Son in Business?
5/29/2024 1:23:00 PM
When was Pool Table Maker O. L. Briggs & Son in Business?
I am trying to find out what years Oliver Briggs & Son pool table makes were in business (or, when they went out of business).
I have attached an Oliver Briggs catalog (really a billiards rule book) dated 1897.
Are there more-recent Oliver Briggs catalogs?
Alternatively, do you have any proof showing that they were in business after 1897? Things like a history book, newspaper advertisements, or city directories showing the existence of O.L. Briggs & Son?
What is mentioned in the Blue Book of Pool Cues about the cues made by O.L. Briggs & Son? I have some O.L. Briggs & Son house cues and I am trying to find the range of years they could possibly be from.
When was Pool Table Maker O. L. Briggs & Son in Business?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 6/12/2024 5:35:45 AM
I've responded with all of the detail I have in your other question in the pool cues section:
How Old are "OL BRIGGS" Pool Cues Made by Oliver. L. Briggs & Son?
When was Pool Table Maker O. L. Briggs & Son in Business?
- Title: When was Pool Table Maker O. L. Briggs & Son in Business?
- Author: user1711021651 (Paul Bell)
- Published: 5/29/2024 1:23:00 PM
- Last Updated: 6/12/2024 5:33:03 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)