Pool Table in Garage - Brunswick Medalist?
9/12/2008 7:36:05 PM
Pool Table in Garage - Brunswick Medalist?
I'm planning to put a pool table on the second floor of a two story garage I just completed. It is a detached garage and is currently unfinished (22' x 22' space). Although I did install a gas line and may insulate and finish it at some point, for now the area will not be heated/cooled.
I live outside of Chicago so it can get cold and I am concerned about the impact on the table. I was looking at a nice used Brunswick Medalist ($1000USD - not the old mammoth one, the more recent gold crown style), but am not sure how the temperature extremes may impact it. Would a better option be something like a used CL Bailey Addison ($600USD)? The CL Bailey website says it has metal to metal construction. Given the circumstances, do you think that would be a better choice?
How much do you think temperatures and humidity will impact a hardwood table like the Brunswick? Would I be better off with a cheaper table until I insulate/finish the space? Thanks, in advance, for your help.
Pool Table in Garage - Brunswick Medalist?
Replies & Comments
quickshot on 9/13/2008 5:35:48 AM
I think you would be better served to take the money you want to spend on a used table and insulate and finish the garage. When the job is finished "right" then you can look for a better table. What you are doing now is looking at a half finished job that you want to put a used table in that will in all probability be ruined by the extreme weather changes.
It's a no win situation. Rethink your priorities. In the long run you will be glad you did.
Good luck.
knoxpossum on 9/13/2008 9:53:46 AM
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Realistically, the space will never be climate controlled like a house even if it is finished. It is much more likely that I would install a gas heater than can be turned on/off as needed to warm the space when it is being used and insulation would help to moderate the extreme temperatures. Given that, it sounds like you are suggesting that this might never be a viable space for a pool table?
billiardsforum on 9/13/2008 9:58:20 AM
My dad has a pool table in his unfinished basement, in which the climate behaves much like it would in your space. As the seasons change we have to adjust to the quirks of the table. I guess it's a tradeoff. Frankly, it isn't that bad to play on. I just wouldn't shell out good coin for a top-tier table that will almost certainly be affected by the climate conditions for sure.
Welcome to the forum by the way! Let us know what you ultimately end up doing!
Fenwick on 9/13/2008 12:29:35 PM
What about a Weathermaster pool table. They're designed for outdoor use. The down side is the cost, $2799.00, ouch! Here's the link. http://www.pooltablesdirect.com/weathermaster3000.php You could turn the heat on for a half hour before you play and be good to go. I think I'd store the balls along with my cues in the heated house.
quickshot on 9/13/2008 5:49:25 PM
This sounds like an answer to the weather conditions. Although, it will be a lot more than you may want to spend. On the other hand, it may the answer to the long term usage which I think will be a much better investment over the long haul. I made the suggestion in the first post only because I spent 30 years in the heating business and I have seen a lot of warped wooden furniture. That being said, you said you ran the gas pipe into the location. So why not hook up a small gas heater with a thermostat to maintain temperature, and in the summer a small a/c. You may then have the best of two worlds and no warped pool table.
Good luck.
schmedspub on 9/20/2008 2:13:05 PM
We have installed Gold Crowns and Metalist in Seasonal homes in Vermont with no issues.
These lake homes are closed in the winter and have no heat on all winter long. Buy a good table and have good results. Buy a cheap table and you will have issues.
I would have no issue with Metalist is your application.
knoxpossum on 9/30/2008 10:46:53 AM
Thanks to all of you for your feedback. The weathermaster is a potential solution, but not within my budget. At this point, I'll probably keep my eye out for a used table and give it a shot if the right table comes along. I'll keep you posted....
quickshot on 9/30/2008 11:05:37 AM
Good luck with that. Let us know how you make out.
knoxpossum on 10/21/2008 9:54:20 AM
I bought a used Brunswick Medalist (for several hundred cheaper than my original post) and it was set up on Saturday. I discussed my concerns with a number of people. The guy who set up the table has worked with tables over 30 years and has set up tables for pro tours. The consensus opinion seems to be that the primary issue with the table in the garage is that the slate will sweat if the room is warmed up quickly. You can avoid this problem if you maintain a constant temperature or warm the room up slowly. My father is an expert in wood drying and does not anticipate any issues with the wood frame given the local climate. A friend offered me a free furnace for the space so I need to get started with the finish work.
The upshot is that I now have my own table that plays beautifully. I got new granito basalt cloth for $100 and premium aramith balls and am very happy with my set up. FYI, if you haven't tried this cloth, it compares very favorably to 860. I just need to add a receiver, a light, and a fridge for beer and I may never make it back to the house. Thanks again to all of you for your input.
quickshot on 10/21/2008 10:03:00 AM
Good luck with the setup and enjoy.
cooker 500 on 12/2/2008 4:49:39 PM
Hi, I think you did good and made the right chose, my question is where did you get your cloth for that price? I'm in need of cloth for my table and would like to get the same thing...ED
knoxpossum on 12/3/2008 8:51:33 AM
Hey Ed, I got the table from a guy who owns a couple of pool halls locally. He bought a bunch of the cloth in bulk and was willing to throw it in at that price to close the deal. He is using it in his pool halls so I doubt he would be interested in selling more at that price.
Pool Table in Garage - Brunswick Medalist?
- Title: Pool Table in Garage - Brunswick Medalist?
- Author: knoxpossum (Todd Little)
- Published: 9/12/2008 7:36:05 PM