Ideal Room Temperature for a Heated Pool Table?
3/26/2013 12:57:59 AM
Ideal Room Temperature for a Heated Pool Table?
What is the ideal room temperature for a billiard room with two heated snooker tables?
Ideal Room Temperature for a Heated Pool Table?
Replies & Comments
geo on 7/16/2013 9:10:11 AM
I also have a question about heated billiard tables and proper temperature and room temperature.
When the billiard room temperature is 21° Celsius and the billiard table is heated to 26° Celsius as recommended, why would the pool table still feel warm against your hand which is around 36° Celsius?
The pool tables where I play draw roughly 9 amps of power, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That gets expensive at 16 cents per kilowatt/hour.
So a few questions about heated pool tables and optimal pool table room temperature:
- Should we lower the thermostat on the heated pool tables?
- Is there a standard to guide us (e.g. from the BCA) or other governing bodies?
- What humidity level is OK to get the table not to play short or long?
Ideal Room Temperature for a Heated Pool Table?
- Title: Ideal Room Temperature for a Heated Pool Table?
- Author: Victor Yeong
- Published: 3/26/2013 12:57:59 AM
- Last Updated: 10/25/2016 10:46:26 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)