How to Date a Brunswick-Balke-Collender Pool Table
2/15/2021 4:05:50 PM
How to Date a Brunswick-Balke-Collender Pool Table
I've bought this Brunswick Balke Collender pool table.
The name plate shows:
Brunswick Monarch
Superspeed Club Cushion
The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.
of Canada Limited
All wood and the slate is original. The pool table came out of the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa and then from a bar in Quebec city.
The antique dealer estimated it was a 1904-1908 model.
Can anyone help identify and date the pool table?
How to Date a Brunswick-Balke-Collender Pool Table
Replies & Comments
user1598694627 on 2/16/2021 11:13:46 AM
It is a Brunswick Blake Collender "Brunswick" WELLINGTON pool table as pictured in their 1906 catalog. "Wellington" is the model name.
From the Brunswick Billiards archives:
Brunswick Wellington Pool Table
user1690574189 on 7/28/2023 3:56:30 PM
I have a Brunswick Wellington pool table like the one pictured above, and would like to know when it was built.
billiardsforum on 10/4/2023 6:47:29 AM
@user1690574189 - The Brunswick Balke-Collender Co "Wellington" pool table was produced between 1906 and 1911.
Unfortunately there is no way to determine the exact year in which your specific pool table was made. This is because the Brunswick corporation had lost all of their serial number records in several catastrophic fires in their main offices back in the day.
How to Date a Brunswick-Balke-Collender Pool Table
- Title: How to Date a Brunswick-Balke-Collender Pool Table
- Author: Cynthia Neil
- Published: 2/15/2021 4:05:50 PM
- Last Updated: 2/18/2021 5:18:49 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)