Looking to Buy a 3 Hole Bumper Pool Table
11/26/2018 4:20:42 PM
Looking to Buy a 3 Hole Bumper Pool Table
I am looking to buy a bumper pool table with 3 holes, in good condition.
Some older posts here show some of these bumper pool tables but I'm looking for something currently available (in December 2018).
Let me know.
Looking to Buy a 3 Hole Bumper Pool Table
Replies & Comments
MikeOD on 12/6/2018 12:26:44 PM
I live in the Midwest and have an old Pla-Pool 3 hole bumper pool table for sale.
It is a Pla-Pool bumper pool table made by Marvel Mfg of Chicago, IL. It has the third center hole. Note the end holes are about four inches from bumper to allow banking ball in from the back.
Looking to Buy a 3 Hole Bumper Pool Table
- Title: Looking to Buy a 3 Hole Bumper Pool Table
- Author: harps (Joe Harper)
- Published: 11/26/2018 4:20:42 PM
- Last Updated: 11/27/2018 5:52:18 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)