Looking for a Mohagony Brunswick Pool Table Light
7/13/2021 9:25:00 AM
Looking for a Mohagony Brunswick Pool Table Light
I have recently purchased a new 9-foot Brunswick Gold Crown VI pool table, and I am desperately searching for a mahogany brown Brunswick light to match it.
I'd be willing to travel to pick up the light, anywhere within in a 6-7 hour drive from NC, and I'd certainly pay for shipping if that was an option.
I'm a very motivated buyer who would compensate someone to sell just the light if for some reason they are trying to sell the light and table together.
Looking for a Mohagony Brunswick Pool Table Light
Replies & Comments
dbradford65 on 12/17/2021 8:02:40 PM
Update: I'm no longer in the market for a light.
I went with a Mark Gregory custom pool table light and I would highly recommend using him for any custom pool table and/or pool table light needs!
Looking for a Mohagony Brunswick Pool Table Light
- Title: Looking for a Mohagony Brunswick Pool Table Light
- Author: dbradford65 (David Bradford)
- Published: 7/13/2021 9:25:00 AM
- Last Updated: 2/8/2022 2:13:44 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)