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Bar Billiard Table Wanted Near PA, or Anywhere in the USA

Bar Billiard Table Wanted Near PA, or Anywhere in the USA

I'm looking to buy a bar billiards table here in USA. Specifically, near Pennsylvania or that general area would be fabulous.

Anything out there?

Bar Billiard Table Wanted Near PA, or Anywhere in the USA

Replies & Comments

  1. jelRayMills on 5/18/2021 5:36:52 AM

    I searched Craigslist and found two within 250 miles of Altoona (random central city in PA?).

    This one, near Allentown, is $49.


    Here's one from State College:


  2. jelbilliardsforum on 5/27/2021 6:22:54 AM

    Though it's an assumption, I think @jel is looking for a "uk-style" bar billiards table.

    The ones with the pins on the playing surface, etc. like this:


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Bar Billiard Table Wanted Near PA, or Anywhere in the USA

  • Title: Bar Billiard Table Wanted Near PA, or Anywhere in the USA
  • Author: (Jeremy Martin)
  • Published: 5/17/2021 2:32:48 PM
  • Last Updated: 5/27/2021 6:17:09 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)