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Olhausen Remington Pool Table, Chairs, and Bar For Sale

Olhausen Remington Pool Table, Chairs, and Bar For Sale

8' Olhausen Remington pool table that shows almost NO signs of use. The upgrades include Graphite upgrade, mother of pearl in ebony sights and accu-guard cloth. Also, i have extras that match this set.

Also have a "like-new" custom maple L-shaped raised panel bar. There virtually NO marks or blemishes on this bar. It comes apart into 3 pieces and is very high quality.

Everything (billiard related) is included including the pool table, chairs, bar, etc.

I am located in the Philadelphia, PA area and asking $10,000 for everything. I will listen to reasonable offers.


Olhausen Remington Pool Table, Chairs, and Bar For Sale

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Olhausen Remington Pool Table, Chairs, and Bar For Sale

  • Title: Olhausen Remington Pool Table, Chairs, and Bar For Sale
  • Author: (Danny G.)
  • Published: 5/10/2013 5:47:39 AM
  • Last Updated: 5/10/2013 5:50:51 AM
  • Last Updated By: DannyG (Danny G.)