Fischer Empire VIII Pool Table for Sale in NY
2/17/2022 6:00:40 AM
Fischer Empire VIII Pool Table for Sale in NY
I have a Fischer Empire VIII pool table for sale on Long Island, NY if anyone is interested.
There's another thread on the Fischer Empire VIII pool tables here if you want some more info on them.
This one was purchased in the 1960s by my grandfather and carries serial #60662. It has either a slate or marble top.
It is over 50 years old and it has not been used in years. It will need new cloth after moving it and I'm told that the rubber cushions should be changed. The frame still looks great and the pool table was always kept in the house.
It is located in Bayville, NY.
I also have a bunch of extras to include with the pool table.
- Extra new set of pool balls
- Triangle rack,
- Pool cue sticks,
- A nice brass lamp,
- and more.
See photo of lamp and Items on the wall in the background. We are selling it because we're getting ready for a renovation and have no room for it.
Make an offer.
Thank you.
Fischer Empire VIII Pool Table for Sale in NY
Replies & Comments
RayMills on 2/17/2022 6:23:07 AM
- What size is the pool table?
- Is it coin-operated?
- Does it have a one-piece slate?
Fischer Empire VIII Pool Table for Sale in NY
- Title: Fischer Empire VIII Pool Table for Sale in NY
- Author: BobbyFischer (R. Gaglione)
- Published: 2/17/2022 6:00:40 AM
- Last Updated: 2/18/2022 3:35:35 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)