Antique Bar Billiards Table for Sale in DFW Texas
6/12/2022 11:43:00 AM
Antique Bar Billiards Table for Sale in DFW Texas
I have an antique bar billiard table for sale in the Dallas-Fort-Worth area of Texas.
I presume it was built in 1930s. My family has owned it since the 1970s.
It has a fully functioning timer with a drop board inside to stop the ball return and end the game. The wood is beautiful! It also comes with a separate scoreboard as well. There are only a few minor cosmetic issues with the cloth.
If anyone is interested in making an offer, let me know. I am not looking to gouge anyone on price, but it needs to be fair.
Antique Bar Billiards Table for Sale in DFW Texas
Replies & Comments
user1633014568 on 7/18/2022 1:09:52 PM
Hi Cary,
Is this bar billiards table still available?
If so, can you shoot me an email?
jpeoples on 4/13/2023 11:11:08 PM
Hi Cary,
I am checking to see if the bar billiards table is still available.
If it is, shoot me an email...
Antique Bar Billiards Table for Sale in DFW Texas
- Title: Antique Bar Billiards Table for Sale in DFW Texas
- Author: user1544030505 (Cary Lowry)
- Published: 6/12/2022 11:43:00 AM
- Last Updated: 8/16/2022 5:48:10 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)