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Antique Atlantic Billiard Table Corporation Pool Table for Sale

Antique Atlantic Billiard Table Corporation Pool Table for Sale

This is a regulation-size billiard table, built by the Atlantic Billiard Table Corporation circa 1910. It measures 9' by 5' (exterior measurements) and has 3 slate pieces. It has a V-shaped body with square legs, is made of oak, has inlaid ivory sights, original leather pockets (all with ball returns), and brass medallions around the body. It is in excellent condition and comes with all the accessories (complete set of pool balls, 10 full-size cue sticks, 2 smaller cue sticks, bridge, ball rack, score keeper, pill bottles and pills, and wall-mounted cue stand and ball rack). Please see pictures below.

It is a beautiful table and has been in the family for over 30 years, but with an upcoming move to a smaller house, it is time to sell it. It was recently appraised at $17,750 and verified with experts in NC, CA, and IL, but we are asking $10,000.

Please contact 407-647-1906 for more details, or email at shuffman@pngusa.net.

Thank you for your interest!

Antique Atlantic Billiard Table Corporation Pool Table for Sale

Replies & Comments

  1. FalconeerFalconeer on 4/29/2009 9:56:31 AM

    My stepdad Harro, who owns the table, is more motivated to sell now. He is asking $7000 now, but we could probably negotiate from there. If you're interested or want to find out more, please contact him at 407-647-1906 or email me at shuffman@pngusa.net.

    Thanks for your interest!


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Antique Atlantic Billiard Table Corporation Pool Table for Sale

  • Title: Antique Atlantic Billiard Table Corporation Pool Table for Sale
  • Author: (S. Huffman)
  • Published: 5/11/2008 11:03:30 PM