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American Heritage Tuscany Pool Table for Sale

American Heritage Tuscany Pool Table for Sale

I have a brand new American Heritage Tuscany table. It is made from Cherry Hardwood. It is still in the crate. I am asking $2000.00. It has all of the accessories with it. The original price on the table was over 3000.00. Save yourself some money and still get a brand new Olhausen pool table.

I am located in Elyria, Ohio about 30 miles west of Cleveland.

You can email me if you are interested. and I will send you pictures of a completely assembled table. I am NOT a business. I am sure that the table can be shipped, but I am not to sure how to go about it. I am hoping that someone will be close enough to come and pick it up. I am slightly negotiable on the price.

Please email me for more information SamsCoors@yahoo.com

American Heritage Tuscany Pool Table for Sale

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American Heritage Tuscany Pool Table for Sale

  • Title: American Heritage Tuscany Pool Table for Sale
  • Author:
  • Published: 2/6/2008 6:41:06 PM