9-Foot Antique Brunswick Pool Table for Sale in Jericho, NY
5/20/2022 6:48:06 AM
9-Foot Antique Brunswick Pool Table for Sale in Jericho, NY
My mother-in-law recently passed away and my husband and I are now disposing of her estate.
My husband's grandfather was very wealthy and we inherited his antique Brunswick pool table from the 1920s. It is an expensive, elaborate pool table with leather pockets, but it does need to be restored. The pool table will be a showpiece once it is restored to its former glory. It is 9' x 5' in size.
The antique Brunswick pool table is located at my mother-in-law's house on Long Island, in Jericho, NY 11753.
Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing the pool table. My name is Robin and my cell number is (516) 662-0861.
Please note that we are selling this heirloom piece very, very cheaply ($250) as we need it removed from the house ASAP so we can sell the house. Thank you.
9-Foot Antique Brunswick Pool Table for Sale in Jericho, NY
9-Foot Antique Brunswick Pool Table for Sale in Jericho, NY
- Title: 9-Foot Antique Brunswick Pool Table for Sale in Jericho, NY
- Author: RobinD (Robin Dinhofer)
- Published: 5/20/2022 6:48:06 AM
- Last Updated: 5/25/2022 10:19:42 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)