8' Connelly Pool Table for Sale in Central Coast, CA
10/18/2021 4:49:03 PM
8' Connelly Pool Table for Sale in Central Coast, CA
I have an 8-foot Connelly Prescott-style pool table for sale in Santa Barbara, CA. It has been very gently used.
It features dark cherry stain on maple wood, and a storage drawer under the table. Accessories include 5 cue sticks, bridge, balls, pool table brushes, and rack (as pictured).
It is located in Santa Barbara, CA. Price is $1,500. The pool table cost $5,000 when bought new.
8' Connelly Pool Table for Sale in Central Coast, CA
Replies & Comments
RayMills on 10/19/2021 5:00:44 AM
It might help if you declare the pool table's dimensions, or include a photo which has an assembled cue laying on the playing surface, for scale.
8' Connelly Pool Table for Sale in Central Coast, CA
- Title: 8' Connelly Pool Table for Sale in Central Coast, CA
- Author: KSchultheis (K. Schultheis)
- Published: 10/18/2021 4:49:03 PM
- Last Updated: 11/6/2021 7:54:57 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)