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7 foot AMF Playmaster Table For Sale

7 foot AMF Playmaster Table For Sale

7 Foot AMF Playmaster Table for sale! Bought brand new in 2008 and have only used it maybe 30 times. I need to move it to make room in my house! It has claw feet and leather pockets. When I bought it it I payed the extra to have the scotch guard felt put down. I also have the in wall ball holder & cue holders that match the table and I will be uninstalling to sell with the table. I have pictures available upon request. I need to sell this table asap. $1,600.00 for all! Balls and cues also included! You can reach me directly at brent@hotcustomsigns.com Thanks

7 foot AMF Playmaster Table For Sale

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7 foot AMF Playmaster Table For Sale

  • Title: 7 foot AMF Playmaster Table For Sale
  • Author:
  • Published: 5/26/2010 5:25:20 AM