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Victor Billiards Pool Table with Willie Hoppe Cushions

Victor Billiards Pool Table with Willie Hoppe Cushions

How much is a Victor Billiards pool table with Willie Hoppe cushions worth?

I own a Victor pool table and the name plate reads:

Willie Hoppe Cushions
Victor Billiard Company
Phila., PA
Everything for Billiard Rooms

It is a 4.5' x 9' solid wood pool table with mother-of-pearl marker dots,

It is in excellent, playable condition.

I am curious about the age of this Victor Billiards pool table. I am also looking for information on the rarity and value of this Victor Billiards Willie Hoppe pool table.

Has black leather or bakelite pockets and scoring counters on wire on one side e.g. with scoring beads numbered from 0 to 50.

Victor Billiards Pool Table with Willie Hoppe Cushions

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Victor Billiards Pool Table with Willie Hoppe Cushions

  • Title: Victor Billiards Pool Table with Willie Hoppe Cushions
  • Author:
  • Published: 8/8/2010 12:56:36 PM
  • Last Updated: 1/16/2017 7:22:09 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)