Value of an Antique Wendt Pool Table
9/10/2023 9:24:20 PM
Value of an Antique Wendt Pool Table
This Wendt pool table was in the Jasper Tavern for about 100 years.
I am looking for a little information on the pool table itself, as well as any comments on what it may be worth.
The name plate reads:
Manufactured By:
The Wendt Billiard Mfg. Co.
Milwaukee, WIS U.S.A.
It is for sale.
Value of an Antique Wendt Pool Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 9/12/2023 5:50:48 PM
With just these photos alone, it is impossible to help you with what you asked for.
In order to provide information and a value for your Wendt pool table, we need to see what model it is, and be able to assess it's condition.
Upload more photos of the overall pool table (top, sides—long and short, and the legs), and ensure they're clear and well lit.
Once we can actually see what we're dealing with, we'll go from there.
user1694395459 on 9/13/2023 6:48:29 AM
Those are really the only pictures of the pool table I have right now.
I’ll have more on Monday or Tuesday of next week.
billiardsforum on 9/27/2023 8:25:55 AM
Sounds good. I'll keep an eye out for your additional photos of the Wendt pool table, and we'll continue from there.
Value of an Antique Wendt Pool Table
- Title: Value of an Antique Wendt Pool Table
- Author: user1694395459
- Published: 9/10/2023 9:24:20 PM
- Last Updated: 9/12/2023 5:46:25 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)