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Value of a Kasson "Eagle" Pool Table

Value of a Kasson "Eagle" Pool Table

I am looking to sell a 7 foot Kasson pool table and am trying to establish a fair asking price.

I believe it is the Kasson "Eagle" pool table model from the Kasson Contemporary Collection.

I would appreciate any information you could provide to help determine its value.

Thank you in advance for your opinion!




Value of a Kasson "Eagle" Pool Table

Replies & Comments

  1. user1727317354billiardsforum on 3/6/2025 7:56:49 AM

    You are bang-on with your identification—nice work! It is indeed a Kasson Eagle pool table.


    Unfortunately, the value isn't much, for the following reasons:

    • It is a 7-foot pool table. Generally 8-foot is the standard and will have the most demand, 9-foot pool tables are sought after by higher-level players, but 7-foot pool tables will see the least demand of all of these sizes.
    • It is a residential-grade pool table, from a lower-end line from Kasson
    • The style is, arguably, a bit dated.
    • The market is absolutely flooded with used pool tables.

    There's nothing special about this brand or model that would give it any additional value above and beyond what the average 7-foot residential grade pool table would sell for in your area in a similar condition.

    That will be the best way to price this pool table. Look at classified ads for similar pool tables in size, style, and geographic location.

    When doing this research, keep in mind that generally more than half of listings for used pool tables never sell due to a price that's too high.

    Best of luck!

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Value of a Kasson "Eagle" Pool Table

  • Title: Value of a Kasson "Eagle" Pool Table
  • Author: (Colleen O'rourke)
  • Published: 9/25/2024 10:22:35 PM
  • Last Updated: 3/6/2025 7:47:14 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)