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Value of a Fischer Pool Table from 1969

Value of a Fischer Pool Table from 1969

I have a vintage Fischer pool table that I would like to sell but have not been able to find out its value.

It is 8' 3" long, has a 1" slate. The pool table looks like a pub style pool table but without the coin slots.

I believe the pool table was made in 1969.

The information on the tags is as follows:

Fischer MFG Co., Inc., Tipton, Missouri
Serial No. A15388
Fischer - A subsidiary of A. G. Spalding & Bros - Questar.

Any information would be greatly appreciated!

Value of a Fischer Pool Table from 1969

Replies & Comments

  1. BethJCMarie on 1/10/2011 2:26:44 PM

    I have a Fischer pool table serial # A15927. So I guess my Fischer billiard table was made about 500 tables after yours?

    Mine is an eight-foot long Fischer pool table with a one piece slate.

    I would like to hear from anyone who might know what year this Fischer billiards table was manufactured or any other useful info they would care to share.

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Value of a Fischer Pool Table from 1969

  • Title: Value of a Fischer Pool Table from 1969
  • Author:
  • Published: 8/29/2010 7:41:05 PM
  • Last Updated: 11/13/2016 9:43:11 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)