How Much is this National Shuffleboard Pool Table Worth?
6/23/2023 8:29:11 PM
How Much is this National Shuffleboard Pool Table Worth?
Can anyone tell me how much this National Shuffleboard pool table is worth?
How Much is this National Shuffleboard Pool Table Worth?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 6/27/2023 7:56:25 AM
It's tough to assess the model and condition of this pool table due to the poor quality of the screen capture.
In general though, depending on it's condition, it's size, geographical location, and what else is available for sale in that area, it may be worth somewhere between $400 and $1000.
How Much is this National Shuffleboard Pool Table Worth?
- Title: How Much is this National Shuffleboard Pool Table Worth?
- Author: mclgsnp38
- Published: 6/23/2023 8:29:11 PM
- Last Updated: 6/27/2023 7:37:49 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)