How Much is a Brunswick Sierra Pool Table Worth?
3/22/2019 7:53:43 AM
How Much is a Brunswick Sierra Pool Table Worth?
I am looking at buying a 9-foot Brunswick Sierra pool table. It looks to be in nice shape, made in the 1970’s.
How much should I pay?
How Much is a Brunswick Sierra Pool Table Worth?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 3/22/2019 5:59:53 PM
Not any more than $1000. Personally, I'd not pay any more than $500. Maybe a bit more since it's a 9-footer.
But at the end of the day, The Brunswick Sierra pool table is a residential grade pool table with an outdated style.
When I look at Craigslist data for just one month in 2017, 5 of these were for sale. Note the most common selling price is $500. Again, I think $1000 is too much. If you have $1000 to spend, look around, and I think you'll find better for that price (depending on where you are).
Here are the prices:
- Brunswick Sierra Full sized Pool Table (California) - $500
- Brunswick Sierra pool table (Richmond) - $500
- Brunswick Sierra 9' Pool Table (Philadelphia) - $1000
- Brunswick Sierra Pool Table 4 1/2 x 9 (New Smyrna Beach) - $499
And just so folks are clear on what pool table you are talking about, The Brunswick Sierra pool table was a residential-grade pool table made and sold by Brunswick Billiards in the 1970s.
How Much is a Brunswick Sierra Pool Table Worth?
- Title: How Much is a Brunswick Sierra Pool Table Worth?
- Author: user1553266422
- Published: 3/22/2019 7:53:43 AM
- Last Updated: 3/22/2019 6:02:58 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)