How Much is a 50-Year Old Fischer Pool Table Worth?
7/28/2023 11:36:21 PM
How Much is a 50-Year Old Fischer Pool Table Worth?
I have a Fischer model 3437 pool table and want to know how much it is worth.
It is probably about 50 years old.
What is the value of a pool table like this?
How Much is a 50-Year Old Fischer Pool Table Worth?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 10/4/2023 5:48:17 AM
I think the number you provided is most likely a serial number and not a model number.
We'll need to see photos of your Fischer pool table. Seeing photos of the pool table will help us identify the model and assess it's condition.
But either way, they're not worth a whole lot—usually under $500.
How Much is a 50-Year Old Fischer Pool Table Worth?
- Title: How Much is a 50-Year Old Fischer Pool Table Worth?
- Author: user1690601781
- Published: 7/28/2023 11:36:21 PM
- Last Updated: 10/4/2023 5:45:01 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)