How Much is a 21-Foot National Shuffleboard Table Worth?
9/6/2024 10:49:38 AM
How Much is a 21-Foot National Shuffleboard Table Worth?
I am try to find out the value of my 21 foot National brand shuffle board table with a "shuffle-score" scoreboard.
Does anyone have any input?
How Much is a 21-Foot National Shuffleboard Table Worth?
How Much is a 21-Foot National Shuffleboard Table Worth?
- Title: How Much is a 21-Foot National Shuffleboard Table Worth?
- Author: user1725634177 (Kenneth Niemiec)
- Published: 9/6/2024 10:49:38 AM
- Last Updated: 9/25/2024 5:22:33 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)