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Friend and I Got a 6' Dynamo Pool Table for $100!

Friend and I Got a 6' Dynamo Pool Table for $100!

My friend and I got this cute 6-foot Dynamo pool table for $100. The seller came down a lot.

The classified ad was here:


Hurry before the links gets pulled.

Friend and I Got a 6' Dynamo Pool Table for $100!

Replies & Comments

  1. BallBusterbilliardsforum on 11/3/2021 3:03:55 PM

    It's certainly a buyers market when it comes to used pool tables.

    It has been that way for a while now, and will continue to be this way for a long time to come, I suspect.

    There sure are some great deals to be had, and it looks like you guys found one of them!

  2. BallBusterBallBuster on 11/3/2021 6:05:56 PM

    Yeah, it was a great deal.

    I also got a drink table with cue holders, and a nice white Cuetec cue that I'm now using as my playing cue. I like it a lot.

    The pool cue alone was worth what we paid for the pool table.

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Friend and I Got a 6' Dynamo Pool Table for $100!

  • Title: Friend and I Got a 6' Dynamo Pool Table for $100!
  • Author:
  • Published: 10/9/2021 5:26:50 PM
  • Last Updated: 11/3/2021 3:01:58 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)