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Fischer Pool Table Value Model 2318 or 2337

Fischer Pool Table Value Model 2318 or 2337

I am looking for the value and info for this Fischer pool table from Questor in Tipton, MO.

I don't know if its Fischer model number is #2318 or #2337.

I am just downsizing and don't think there will be room at the new house, so I am trying to sell it.

I've been told that is is worth maybe $500 at most by one guy and anywhere from $2000-$4000 by a couple other people. How much is this Fischer pool table worth?

It is at least 45 years old. I know this because my brother in law is almost 46 and their parents bought it just before he was born.

It has all of it's original felt and very few scratches. It has drop pockets and is a beautiful pool table.

It took 7 of our firefighters to move the slate after we moved to where we are now. I would estimate a weight of <1000lbs total for the pool table.

Any help would be appreciated.


Fischer Pool Table Value Model 2318 or 2337

Replies & Comments

  1. Lakota77billiardsforum on 9/4/2019 10:59:15 AM

    I can't help you ID this Fischer pool table without seeing a couple of clear photos of the full long and short sides, and a general photo from the top down. If you can do that, I can likely narrow down the Fischer model for you.

    Your guess on the age is in the right ball park.

    Value of the Fischer pool table is close to $500 than to $4000. There is no way you'll get $2000 for the pool table.

    I am not saying that it's not a decent pool table. But they are build in a style that is seriously dated, and despite the heavy-duty slate size, the aprons, trim, and finish materials are of low quality on these Fischer pool tables.

    The market is horrible for seller of used pool tables these days. People are downsizing and getting rid of their pool tables en-mass. Lots of ads can be found with people even giving away pool tables for free, just to get rid of them.

    Watch the classifieds and you'll quickly see that these older Fischer pool tables generally go for between a $300 and $700, some for even less.

  2. Lakota77CarterSkelton on 7/15/2021 3:19:43 AM

    Here's my Fischer pool table. Serial A84312.


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Fischer Pool Table Value Model 2318 or 2337

  • Title: Fischer Pool Table Value Model 2318 or 2337
  • Author:
  • Published: 7/27/2019 11:32:32 AM
  • Last Updated: 9/4/2019 11:00:44 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)