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Fischer Crown Imperial VIII Value

Fischer Crown Imperial VIII Value

I am trying to find the value of my Fischer Crown Imperial VIII with serial number 6500-17. Any help on where I can find the value would be greatly appreciated.

Fischer Crown Imperial VIII Value

Replies & Comments

  1. Baseball9billiardsforum on 10/21/2010 10:04:15 PM

    The Fischer Crown Imperial VIII from Fischer Sales debuted in 1961, and is a table built with a great deal of Formica with aluminum corners. Unfortunately you won't fetch much for it. In typical "used" condition, you might fetch between $300 and $500 USD. If it was in "brand new from the box" condition e.g. rarely or never played on before, it would fetch slightly more.

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Fischer Crown Imperial VIII Value

  • Title: Fischer Crown Imperial VIII Value
  • Author: (Rob Mittman)
  • Published: 10/18/2010 1:04:15 PM