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Billard Table Value?

Billard Table Value?

I bought a house with a Brunswick Billiards table in the basement. It measures 89" bumper to bumper. I don't have any idea what it is worth... Can someone help me? It has a 3 piece slate top. I put the dollies under it so I could move it around! I appreciate your help, JPL

Billard Table Value?

Replies & Comments

  1. JPLFenwick on 12/27/2008 5:45:14 PM

    Nice looking pool table! Since you are asking about it's value, I'll assume you want to sell it.

    Did you try a search using the make, model and year of the pool table?

    Brunswick 8 foot tables can go for $7,000 in MINT condition to $200 in rough shape. Doing a search I saw prices ranging from $200+ to $850 for a used 7-foot table.

    Then the buyer needs to cover the cost to move, set up, and perhaps recover the pool table. So if you sold it for $500 it could cost another $300 to move and set up!

    What I would do is make some calls and see if you can get it appraised. Twice if possible. It's a buyers market today!

  2. JPLJPL on 12/28/2008 6:27:48 AM

    You are correct, I would like to sell the pool table. It's in very good condition, no scratches and the felt is good!

    The only documentation I have is a sticker on the bottom telling who sold the table. They are now out of business.

    I can't find any pool tables like it on the Brunswick Billiards web site.

    Murrey makes a pool table that looks close. It's in the Murrey Boulevard Series, model name "Fillmore". Murrey Boulevard Fillmore pool table.

  3. JPLFenwick on 12/28/2008 1:39:46 PM

    It's a very nice pool table.

    I too could not find a table made by Brunswick that came close to yours. I did find several new 7-foot tables in the $500 range with free shipping. Could you use that as your starting point price maybe?

    All you need is one buyer.

    Good luck selling your pool table.

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Billard Table Value?

  • Title: Billard Table Value?
  • Author:
  • Published: 12/26/2008 11:26:03 AM