ATI Pool Table Value ATI Model 728
11/3/2019 5:53:58 AM
ATI Pool Table Value ATI Model 728
I am looking to know how much an ATI model 728 pool table is worth?
I know it’s an older pool table. I am going to sell it and would like more information about it.
How much would you value an ATI pool table model 728 at?
ATI Pool Table Value ATI Model 728
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 11/28/2019 2:12:54 AM
I can't value your All-Tech pool table model 728 until I can see detailed photos of the entire pool table.
Take a few from the sides (long and short), of the legs, and then one of any additional markings or name plates besides the one you posted already.
Once you post those, we can go from there and come up with a valuation.
ATI Pool Table Value ATI Model 728
- Title: ATI Pool Table Value ATI Model 728
- Author: vicki
- Published: 11/3/2019 5:53:58 AM
- Last Updated: 11/28/2019 1:56:40 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)