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9 Foot Victor Pool Table Value

9 Foot Victor Pool Table Value

I am wondering how I can determine a 9-foot Victor Billiards pool table value.

I have a Victor 4.5 x 9 1 1/2" slate. I have recently had the rails re-done. The pool table is in beautiful condition.

The only markings on it is on a couple panels underneath the table. 4132 is written. I don't know what that means.

Any idea where I can sell the pool table it or how much an older Victor pool table might be worth?

I am moving and the house doesn't have any place big enough for the table. I have had it for 30 years.

9 Foot Victor Pool Table Value

Replies & Comments

  1. Ed WilliamsNashville Billiard & Patio on 10/17/2016 3:27:15 PM

    Hey Ed, I found some great articles about antique pool tables. They show a picture of the table and give the actual description from the original catalog. Antique pool tables are so beautiful! I think I'd rather buy an antique pool table rather than a new one. Nashville Billiard has antique pool tables in stock, and will ship anywhere in the US. Quite interesting - Nashville Billiard has some Victor pool tables for sale right now I believe.

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9 Foot Victor Pool Table Value

  • Title: 9 Foot Victor Pool Table Value
  • Author:
  • Published: 3/26/2012 10:59:57 AM
  • Last Updated: 10/10/2017 6:33:37 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)