1980 Octagonal Bumper Pool Table Value
9/21/2021 10:20:03 AM
1980 Octagonal Bumper Pool Table Value
What is the value of a 1980s octagon-shaped bumper pool table?
I'm wondering if anyone knows what it's worth?
1980 Octagonal Bumper Pool Table Value
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 11/1/2021 3:37:35 AM
It would be best to upload some clear photos of your octagonal bumper pool table.
From there we can identify it, assess it's quality and condition, and then try to apply a value to it.
1980 Octagonal Bumper Pool Table Value
- Title: 1980 Octagonal Bumper Pool Table Value
- Author: user1632244802
- Published: 9/21/2021 10:20:03 AM
- Last Updated: 11/1/2021 3:22:34 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)