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1965 Al-Tech Model 70 Pool Table Value

1965 Al-Tech Model 70 Pool Table Value

I have received an ALTECH pool-table from 1965 model number 70, with serial number 2555.

I would like to know how much it cost new back in 1965 and the worth now.

1965 Al-Tech Model 70 Pool Table Value

Replies & Comments

  1. user1521907296billiardsforum on 3/25/2018 10:28:26 PM

    Before I can help you value the pool table...

    1. You need to upload a photo showing the long and short sides, as well as any symbols, markings, name plates, etc.
    2. Does it have a tag with the specific spelling "Altech" or is it "All-Tech" (where the "all" has 2 letter "L"s and the words are separated)?

    Once you reply with that, we'll go from there.

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1965 Al-Tech Model 70 Pool Table Value

  • Title: 1965 Al-Tech Model 70 Pool Table Value
  • Author: (Annette Huelsman)
  • Published: 3/24/2018 12:01:37 PM
  • Last Updated: 3/25/2018 10:25:29 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)