New Pool Room with a 9' Diamond Pro Am Pool Table
9/11/2014 9:16:20 PM
New Pool Room with a 9' Diamond Pro Am Pool Table
After debating budget with my wife for a bit (basically crying), finally have a new toy to play with,
New 9' Diamond Pro Am, Simonis 860 and Aramith Duramith Tournament Balls. Cues on the table are, left, 1985 Mali T15 (green label), right, Balabushka GB9 3 months old, Pro Am is a total dream to play on :). Room is not completely finished, had to take out a closet, finished room size, 15.5' x 20.5', perfect for table, little fridge, small bar, flat screen TV and a couple of chairs or benches, my MAN CAVE!. Will update pic when room is finished and decorated.
New Pool Room with a 9' Diamond Pro Am Pool Table
Replies & Comments
Zeke on 9/12/2014 7:28:11 AM
Be sure to leave the blinds on that window. On a long backstroke, the blinds would act as a warning sound - should someone become overly exuberant ;)
Ziggy_Lee on 9/12/2014 10:41:48 AM
Congrats on sweet talking the wife, now you owe her a big favor, wait and see what kind of Diamond she's going to want.... Anyway great table that's the table I want, I just first have to get a wife to sweet talk. lol Enjoy your new Diamond....
genuino on 9/12/2014 9:38:33 PM
Thanks guys!
Ziggy, I know, need to find something for her now :), I'm lucky enough that she is not into jewelery at all, she has been wanting a new car for the last 6 months, perhaps I'll surprise her for our 16th anniversary next month.
Zeke, good point on the blinds, but the photo has a weird angle to it, you think there is not enough space left to play comfortable. At both ends of the table there is 68" clearance and on the sides 75", more that enough space, no need to worry about hitting anything :), perfect!
New Pool Room with a 9' Diamond Pro Am Pool Table
- Title: New Pool Room with a 9' Diamond Pro Am Pool Table
- Author: genuino
- Published: 9/11/2014 9:16:20 PM
- Last Updated: 9/11/2014 9:17:49 PM
- Last Updated By: genuino