My Antique Brunswick Carom Table in My Garage
1/3/2008 12:09:20 PM
My Antique Brunswick Carom Table in My Garage
So this pool table may not look like a million bucks, but it plays beautifully. It is an antique 5x10 Brunswick Carom Billiard table covered with Simonis 300 cloth, and we use Belgian Aramith carom balls.
The garage is heated and humidity controlled. It plays VERY FAST and true.
We are always on the lookout for 3 cushion players in Fulton, IL. If you are looking for a place to play in our area of Fulton, Illinois, give me a call at (815) 589-2328 and ask for Rich.
My Antique Brunswick Carom Table in My Garage
Replies & Comments
tedmauro on 1/18/2008 3:28:29 PM
Wow that is a nice carom table. I wish I lived close by. I have always wanted to play 3 Cushion billiards. Did you watch the matches on ESPN last year? How about that Grand Master from Turkey? That guy could spin the ball. Mike Massey spins it pretty well himself.
billiardsforum on 1/26/2008 10:24:52 AM
That is a great table! Any idea how old? Has it been in your family since it was purchased new, or did you pick it up at a sale? Have you ever thought about a restore?
mltnr290 on 3/30/2008 8:51:29 PM
@billiardsforum - The carom table is a 1930 Brunswick Regal carom model.
A friend of mine and I purchased it through eBay for $300.00. By the time we rented a trailer and hauled it home (about 350 miles), had it reassembled by a professional pool table mechanic to make sure it was perfectly level, added new Simonis cloth, purchased Aramith balls, lights, the whole works came to about $1,100.00.
As far as restoring it, as long as it plays good, we kind of like the old used look of it. It takes me back to my old pool hall days as a kid. We have had the table for about a year now and have more than gotten our money's worth out of it!
tedmauro on 3/30/2008 10:38:07 PM
Wow $1100 all-in for that carom table is a great deal. You could easily double your money if you ever sell it. I will be getting in touch if I ever find myself in your area.
bumped on 4/9/2008 4:45:47 PM
That is a FUN garage. I bet you are definitely enjoying it.
Bev Stayart on 8/6/2009 11:41:21 AM
The antique Brunswick Regal table is beautiful. A real find!
flyguy on 11/17/2009 5:31:52 AM
A most excellent use of a garage, if I say so myself. My 1915 Brunswick Victor 4x8 pocket billiard table has the same head plate. Yours is a beautiful and unique find.
Fastfish on 6/16/2014 7:28:30 PM
You have to make do with the space you have and if that means building your billiard room in the garage, then so be it. I grew up in Morrison, IL by the way. Small world.
My Antique Brunswick Carom Table in My Garage
- Title: My Antique Brunswick Carom Table in My Garage
- Author: mltnr290 (Rich W)
- Published: 1/3/2008 12:09:20 PM