Basement Pool Room with a 1912 Brunswick Victor Pool Table
11/17/2009 6:05:25 AM
Basement Pool Room with a 1912 Brunswick Victor Pool Table
Here's our basement pool room.
The billiard table is a 4x8 Brunswick Victor from 1912-15. I bought it in 1993 for $300 - it was in pieces, missing pockets, missing diamonds in the rails, rotted cushions. I spent the winter of 1993-1994 restoring it, and now moved it to my new home. It was due for recovering anyway, so she got new cloth out of the deal.
I had forgotten how heavy 1" slate is! The friends who originally helped me move it had not forgotten. This time I had to get my teenage son and his friends for labor. The jukebox is a 1950 AMI Model C that my dad won in a pool game when I was 8 years old.
The room is small but workable. The pool table has 4 feet on each side, and plenty of room on the ends. There's a couple of places where a "shorty" cue is necessary, but all in all it works well. The kids spend a lot of time on the table, which is why I went with commercial grade Teflon-coated cloth, and so do I.
Basement Pool Room with a 1912 Brunswick Victor Pool Table
Replies & Comments
sophie hart on 12/6/2010 11:14:38 PM
Wow! Your billiard room looks very nice It is all cozy and clean and the table fits in nicely. Great job on the pool room.
runout on 5/14/2012 11:00:22 AM
Great job on the restoration of the Brunswick Victor pool table! Have fun with it!
Zeke on 1/30/2013 6:30:53 AM
Outstanding job!
Fastfish on 6/16/2014 7:07:35 PM
Gotta love old school pool tables. Congrats!
Ziggy_Lee on 6/16/2014 7:19:43 PM
Congratulations on the refinish and repair of your pool table. It looks super and I like the jukebox as well. Enjoy.
Basement Pool Room with a 1912 Brunswick Victor Pool Table
- Title: Basement Pool Room with a 1912 Brunswick Victor Pool Table
- Author: flyguy (Mark Mahler)
- Published: 11/17/2009 6:05:25 AM