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What Type of Beeswax to use for Seal Pool Table Slate Joints

What Type of Beeswax to use for Seal Pool Table Slate Joints

I am buying a used pool table shortly, and moving it myself. I'm pretty handy with DIY-related things so there are no real concerns, but a little inexperienced as this will be my first pool table move and set up.

I am looking at beeswax for the slate joints. I'm in Canada where shipping costs are very high, so I can't buy it for $5 from a billiard supplier like you can in the USA, so I am looking on Amazon.

Are there different types of beeswax for pool table slate? Most of the beeswax I'm seeing are cosmetic grade. Is this good? Bad? Suitable? Not suitable?

Any help or advice is very welcomed!

What Type of Beeswax to use for Seal Pool Table Slate Joints

Replies & Comments

  1. Lion Heartbilliardsforum on 12/28/2020 6:49:14 AM

    There would be no issue with "cosmetic grade" beeswax. That just means that some impurities have been removed that may harm the skin or body. Of course you'll pay a bit more for it because of that extra product.

    Just read the reviews if you are shopping on amazon.ca. There's lots of junk beeswax (mostly imported from overseas). Lots of reviews saying it doesn't feel or smell anything like the real thing. Most likely lots of fillers and/or additives which you probably don't want.

    4 oz of beeswax should do 2-3 pool tables.

    This is a bit pricey perhaps, but you get a lot (16oz) and it's from a reputable brand.

    Dutchman's Gold - Pure Yellow Beeswax Block - Cosmetic Grade from Canadian Hives (links to amazon.ca)


    A quick search of the reviews, and we find a few where it has been used by folks for pool tables:


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What Type of Beeswax to use for Seal Pool Table Slate Joints

  • Title: What Type of Beeswax to use for Seal Pool Table Slate Joints
  • Author:
  • Published: 12/27/2020 4:13:39 PM
  • Last Updated: 12/28/2020 6:35:15 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)