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Washing Pool Table Cloth

Washing Pool Table Cloth

What is the best way to wash pool table cloth?

I have the cloth taken off my pool table at the moment to level the slates, and I want to wash it while I have the chance. What is the best (and easiest) way to do this? Can I use the washing machine? Should I bring it to the dry cleaners? Hand-wash? Or just put it back on the pool table and scrub it?

It only has a few stains but I just thought I'd take this opportunity to clean it as I am not sure when the cloth will be off again (if ever).

Washing Pool Table Cloth

Replies & Comments

  1. clematisprobilliards on 11/2/2010 5:30:42 AM

    Pool table cloth is made of wool and washing is not advised. Take the cloth to a dry cleaners and get their opinion if they can remove the stains. If not the smart move is to replace the cloth.

  2. clematisclematis on 11/2/2010 11:14:27 AM

    Great, thanks.

    I don't think the stains are serious enough for a new cloth, but I'll ask the dry cleaners.

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Washing Pool Table Cloth

  • Title: Washing Pool Table Cloth
  • Author:
  • Published: 11/2/2010 3:31:39 AM
  • Last Updated: 7/12/2018 7:25:39 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)