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Victor 9ft Table

Victor 9ft Table

I need some advice on breaking down and reassembly. I have a 4.5 x 9 ft Victor with ball return and number 1347 stamped on all wood parts. My father owned the local pool hall in town when I was a kid and had 10 Victors. When he sold out in 1980, he set up one in his garage and now I am moving it to my home since his death. It is in excellent condition and only needs recovering. I have taken off side panels and cushions. The 1.25" 3 piece slates appear to be glued underneath to the wooden frame assembly. Does anyone know of any precautions that I should take so as not to damage the slate pieces? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

Victor 9ft Table

Replies & Comments

  1. table6JohninTennessee on 1/30/2008 11:57:43 AM

    This is a no brainer. Get a pro to do it. I wish I had something like that to remember my Dad by.

  2. table6thedoorsguy on 5/10/2010 11:01:50 PM

    I came upon this link for acquiring a replacement decal for a Victor Billiard table's "Ball Receiver" tray attached to a silent "Lanza Ball Return Shute" [sic - chute]:


    "Found on Victor Pool Tables with Lanza Ball Return - Applied on face of ball receiver on 'foot' end. $10.00." (has email to place an order for decals. Paypal is accepted by using the same email address. Also has phone number to call with any questions.)

    Here's a picture of the Lanza Ball Return Shute and Ball Receiver:

    Per this Patent No. 1630345:

  3. table6thedoorsguy on 5/10/2010 11:26:21 PM

    Ball Receiver tray in Fig. 3 per this Patent No. 1,811,238:

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Victor 9ft Table

  • Title: Victor 9ft Table
  • Author:
  • Published: 1/30/2008 11:08:49 AM