Vibration in Pool Table Rails
1/7/2010 11:57:49 AM
Vibration in Pool Table Rails
I just bought a used 7 foot Valley pool table.
There is a lot of vibration in the rails. We have had the rails tightened, but the vibration still persists.
Can anybody help with this?
Vibration in Pool Table Rails
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/16/2010 2:52:21 PM
I am not sure what to do about the vibration in the pool table rails but can you share what you paid for the Valley 7' pool table? I know they are a great little pool table and was looking at getting one for our cottage (as we need a smaller sized pool table like that).
Mickey on 2/1/2010 1:08:22 PM
Yes I can. I got my 7 foot Valley pool table off of Craig's List. I paid $850.00. He just happened to be in Pittsburgh where I live. I heard the table is worth about $1000.
Good luck!
Vibration in Pool Table Rails
- Title: Vibration in Pool Table Rails
- Author: Mickey
- Published: 1/7/2010 11:57:49 AM
- Last Updated: 10/21/2016 2:12:06 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)