Replacement Cushions for a Genco Bumper Pool Table
5/17/2021 3:02:25 PM
Replacement Cushions for a Genco Bumper Pool Table
I'm looking for replacement cushions for a Genco bumper pool table.
Does anyone know where I can find side cushions for an older coin-op Genco bumper pool table?
Replacement Cushions for a Genco Bumper Pool Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 6/1/2021 3:04:30 AM
Your best bet to find the exact replacement cushions for a Genco bumper pool table would be to contact Penguin Amusement in Shepherd, MI.
They specialize in replacement parts for pool tables, and specifically, in cushions.
Might be a good idea to haul off one of the cushions so that you can measure it (or find a label which specifies the profile and size).
Replacement Cushions for a Genco Bumper Pool Table
- Title: Replacement Cushions for a Genco Bumper Pool Table
- Author: user1621288944 (Terry Mckinley)
- Published: 5/17/2021 3:02:25 PM
- Last Updated: 6/1/2021 2:58:01 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)