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Removing Table Legs

Removing Table Legs

Hello All,

I am from Melbourne Australia and I am currently looking for a pub sized pool table that is slate based. Been told by a friend that he may know someone who will sell theirs. But has told me its an ex pub table and the room used to be an open car port, which has since been turned into a room.

I need some advise, any tips on removing the legs, and where to look to see if they are removeable? done a little searching and some legs are removeable, while others say tables need to be pulled apart to get the legs off.

Any advise would be great, as I am new to pool, and only want to buy one table that will keep me going for a long time, (eg will just have to replace the cloth over the years) if you know what I mean.

Thanks All.

Removing Table Legs

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Removing Table Legs

  • Title: Removing Table Legs
  • Author:
  • Published: 8/11/2011 5:58:36 PM