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Putting New Cushions on an Old Pool Table

Putting New Cushions on an Old Pool Table

Hi, If I run into an older table that needs new cushions, where is a good place to get them?

A lot of these pool tables I am looking at do not have the brand name on them.

What would new pool table cushions they cost?

Putting New Cushions on an Old Pool Table

Replies & Comments

  1. playtymebilliardsbilliardsforum on 7/12/2010 7:02:28 PM

    You will have to determine the size and type of billiard table, at least, before you can begin to seek out the appropriate cushions.

    If you are planning on paying a pool table technician to do it, then don't worry about trying to get this information. Just hire a technician who knows their stuff, and pay them well to get the job done.

    By the way, we have two entries in the NJ billiard table technician listings (i know it's not much) but it may be a place to start if your are looking to go that route.

  2. playtymebilliardsplaytymebilliards on 7/13/2010 4:43:15 AM

    I am not planning on using a pool table tech. I recently retired and got this crazy idea to buy used pool tables and do minor repairs and sell them. I want to be prepared I I buy a table that needs new cushions.

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Putting New Cushions on an Old Pool Table

  • Title: Putting New Cushions on an Old Pool Table
  • Author: (Dennis Miller)
  • Published: 7/12/2010 5:30:17 PM