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Pool Tables Without Nail-In Pockets

Pool Tables Without Nail-In Pockets

I currently have a late '80's vintage Brunswick Hawthorne (in storage as my current space it too small to have it set up) that has pockets that have to be nailed into the structure - and since these damn nails are always coming loose, I HATE THIS! I will make sure that my next table does not have this problem!

Looking at Ebay, I see some listings for pockets, each of the 2 types as per attachment.

the type that seems to require nails:




...the type that seems to require no nails:


I want to be able look at a listing for a pool table and determine whether or not I would need to mail the pockets in - so I can avoid that!

Pool Tables Without Nail-In Pockets

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Pool Tables Without Nail-In Pockets

  • Title: Pool Tables Without Nail-In Pockets
  • Author:
  • Published: 5/23/2014 7:47:01 AM