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Pool Table Manufacturers Without Leather Pockets?

Pool Table Manufacturers Without Leather Pockets?

Can anyone help with manufacturers of pool tables that don't use leather pockets? My wife said I can get a table (which is also going to be a dining room table when not in play) as long it does not have leather pockets. I looked at Vitalie, a little expensive. Looking for a either a used Vitalie or another high quality manufacturer with wood inter-locking pockets and the option for a dining room tabletop. Any help would be appreciated.

Pool Table Manufacturers Without Leather Pockets?

Replies & Comments

  1. jkeith80Mitch Alsup on 11/7/2008 4:50:28 PM

    Brunswick have a number of them

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Pool Table Manufacturers Without Leather Pockets?

  • Title: Pool Table Manufacturers Without Leather Pockets?
  • Author: (Jason Keith)
  • Published: 11/6/2008 7:31:42 PM