Ohausen Pool Table Rattle Problem
12/9/2022 6:56:29 AM
Ohausen Pool Table Rattle Problem
I just bought a used Olhausen pool table.
It seems to be either a smaller snooker table or a Chinese 8 ball table. Either way, it's impossible to make a rail shot.
The pool table is level and the rails are straight.
Does anyone know if this is normal, or how I might fix it?
Ohausen Pool Table Rattle Problem
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 12/9/2022 2:42:31 PM
What do you mean by "impossible to make a rail shot"?
Exactly (and specifically) what is happening?
Ohausen Pool Table Rattle Problem
- Title: Ohausen Pool Table Rattle Problem
- Author: user1670597788
- Published: 12/9/2022 6:56:29 AM
- Last Updated: 12/9/2022 2:40:55 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)