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New Bumpers for Old Espn 7' Billiard / Air Hockey Table Combo

New Bumpers for Old Espn 7' Billiard / Air Hockey Table Combo

Last week, I got this 84" ESPN pool table and hockey table combo for $60. The hockey table works like a charm, and the pool table is straight. I put a long level along the middle, length, and width of the game surface, and everything is flat and even.

The only issue is the rubber bumpers on the rails. They are hard as a rock. I assume it didn't have the best bumpers to begin with. The age plus being out in the previous owner's garage for a while simply caused them to harden. I can feel where the rubber attaches to the rail through the felt, so I'm confident I can replace them. A similar Fat Cat table goes for $1200, so I think it's worth replacing if everything else works great.

I haven't tried taking it apart yet to see if it's possible. Has anyone on here replaced bumpers on a similar table before? I've included a photo. Any suggestions for the rubber? I see replacements on Amazon for around $60 - $100. If figure no need to spend a lot of money considering the type of table?

Any advice, videos, or other help is appreciated.



New Bumpers for Old Espn 7' Billiard / Air Hockey Table Combo

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New Bumpers for Old Espn 7' Billiard / Air Hockey Table Combo

  • Title: New Bumpers for Old Espn 7' Billiard / Air Hockey Table Combo
  • Author: (Marc Bollon)
  • Published: 9/7/2022 7:05:09 AM
  • Last Updated: 9/8/2022 4:35:37 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)