Kasson Pool Table Leg Mounts
3/20/2018 12:42:45 PM
Kasson Pool Table Leg Mounts
My father gave me his 8ft 3-piece slate Kasson pool table. He had a company disassemble it and put in storage.
I recently got it and it is missing the mount that mounts the legs to the frame. The company must have forgot to put it with the pool table. I was wondering if any one has pictures of the Kasson pool table leg mounts so I can make one?
Kasson Pool Table Leg Mounts
Kasson Pool Table Leg Mounts
- Title: Kasson Pool Table Leg Mounts
- Author: user1521564164 (Chuck Lowry)
- Published: 3/20/2018 12:42:45 PM
- Last Updated: 3/20/2018 5:06:50 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)