Kasson Pool Table Assembly
9/30/2020 6:01:01 PM
Kasson Pool Table Assembly
I’m trying to reassemble my Kasson pool table and it’s been years!
I can't remember whether the long cross bars go on the ends or in the middle.
I am so excited to get it put back together in my new house.
Thanks for any advice!
Kasson Pool Table Assembly
Replies & Comments
- philsmith on 9/30/2020 6:27:15 PM
I figured it out.
The answer is that it is all upside down, and the long boards go in the middle to accept the side fascia boards.
- user1714770709 on 5/3/2024 5:12:16 PM
I am also trying to assembly a Kasson pool table, but don’t know if I’m missing parts.
- bridgett on 8/19/2024 3:34:49 AM
Hey there! I’ve been in the same boat with reassembling a table after a long time. The long crossbars usually go in the middle for support. It’s awesome you’re getting it set up again—enjoy your first game in the new house!
Kasson Pool Table Assembly
- Title: Kasson Pool Table Assembly
- Author: philsmith (Phil Smith)
- Published: 9/30/2020 6:01:01 PM
- Last Updated: 10/1/2020 2:10:35 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)