Irving Kaye Coin-OP Pool Table Ball Return System
4/13/2010 4:48:08 PM
Irving Kaye Coin-OP Pool Table Ball Return System
I have an Irving Kaye pool table and wondered if you knew what type of ball return system their coin operated tables used to return the cue ball.
I ordered what was advertised as a magnetic cue ball on eBay but it doesn't work any differently than a regular ball and had no packaging to ensure that it is indeed magnetic.
I tried to see if the ball had acted any differently next to steel but it didn't.
Before I waste more money on a ball I know is magnetic, I want to make sure they didn't just use a differently sized cue ball.
Irving Kaye Coin-OP Pool Table Ball Return System
Replies & Comments
SidecarMike on 1/10/2017 9:35:13 PM
I also have an Irving Kaye pool table. Mine doesn't use a magnetic ball, but rather an oversized one. Search eBay for a vendor named iszybilliards. That's who I got mine from.
billiardsforum on 1/11/2017 12:02:57 AM
Mike Isabelle runs Iszy Billiards in Shirley, MA...
You'll find all the contact info, web store address, etc. at the link above.
SidecarMike on 1/12/2017 12:44:03 AM
Thanks. I'll try him for new cushions as well.
RayMills on 8/27/2020 2:19:30 PM
Aren't "magnetic" cue balls simply lined with an outer layer of metal to REACT to magnetism?
The magnet(s) are inside the pool table, right?
It's possible that old-time designs had a true metal core, but this would make it harder to get a connection. Plus, I don't know if a truly magnetic ball would keep its charge forever.
Irving Kaye Coin-OP Pool Table Ball Return System
- Title: Irving Kaye Coin-OP Pool Table Ball Return System
- Author: Wayne in OH
- Published: 4/13/2010 4:48:08 PM
- Last Updated: 11/15/2016 9:39:00 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)