Imperial "IMP-16-503" Leather Pool Table Pocket Value
9/22/2023 2:19:47 PM
Imperial "IMP-16-503" Leather Pool Table Pocket Value
I was recently give a new-in-the-box set of 6 leather Imperial pool table pockets, model IMP-16-503.
I don't have a pool table so I thought I might try to sell them. I had someone offer me $50 but I'm not sure what they are really worth at this point.
Any help with their value would be really appreciated.
Imperial "IMP-16-503" Leather Pool Table Pocket Value
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 9/26/2023 8:34:09 PM
I couldn't find these exact ones, but a similar set of Imperial leather drop pockets (IMP-16-505) retail for around $220.
Also keep in mind that you have to discount for the fact that they're buying from a random person and not from a retailer which offers warranty, customer service, returns, etc.
But with that said, $50 seems a bit low.
Here is the reference product I mentioned above:
trifive on 9/26/2023 10:01:09 PM
Great. Thanks for the information on the leather pockets.
Imperial "IMP-16-503" Leather Pool Table Pocket Value
- Title: Imperial "IMP-16-503" Leather Pool Table Pocket Value
- Author: trifive
- Published: 9/22/2023 2:19:47 PM
- Last Updated: 9/26/2023 8:23:48 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)